29 ‘Multiple files’ tab
This function, “real-time logging of multiple log files”, is intended to automate the process of real-
time downloading of the receiver data to JPS files according to the specified time schedule.
In this mode PC-CDU will automatically open/close JPS files in regular time intervals (Figure 21). A
new JPS file will be opened immediately after the previous file is closed.
Figure 21. “Multiple files” tab
filename convention settings “Prefix” and “Numbering” determine how the JPS files created will
be named.
As the name of the setting implies,
determines the prefix part of the filename. By default,
PC-CDU will use the site name specified in the
Site Configuration
dialog window as the file-
name prefix.
edit box allows you to select the desired
file numbering scheme:
If the option
Date & Time
is selected, the
numeric part of the filename will look as fol-
Y – last digit of the year [0-9],
DDD – day of the year [1-366],
HH – hours in the receiver time scale [00-23],
MM – minutes in the receiver time scale [00-59].
The date and time used for the filename will correspond to the first epoch recorded into the
If the option
Ascending Count
is selected, the numeric part of the filename will vary be-
tween 0000 and 2147483647.