Net-G3A Configuration and Setup
NET-G3A Operator’s Manual
<prefix><month><day><sequential lowercase letter><numeric
The file name depends on both the file creation time (month and day)
and additional letter and numeric suffixes to avoid confusion between
files created on the same day.
Always Append to the File parameter
If you want new receiver
data to be appended to an existing log file, enter the desired file name
in this parameter. The setting can be up to 20 characters long.
Files Creation Mode parameter
This parameter has the following
operation modes:
• Log file – If the log file radio button has been selected, pressing
the FN button closes the current log file. If data logging is off,
pressing FN opens a new log file.
• AFRM – If the AFRM radio button has been selected, pressing
FN enables this mode. If AFRM has been enabled, pressing
disables this mode.
Automatic File Rotation Mode (AFRM) parameters
TPS receivers
are capable of automatically rotating log files. During a “file rotation”
event, the receiver closes the current file and opens a new one
according to a user-defined schedule. The Period and Phase
parameters specify this schedule. File rotation launches the moment
the receiver time module Period is equal to Phase. More precisely, a
new log file opens immediately before the scheduled epoch causing
data tagged with this epoch to be recorded to the new log file.
When opening a new log file, the receiver enables the default set of
messages outputted with the default output period. Both the default
set of messages and the default output period are programmable.
• Period – specifies the time duration of each log file created in
AFRM mode. Values are 60 to 86400 seconds; default value is
3600 seconds.
• Phase – specifies the “phase” (constant time shift) for creating
multiple log files in AFRM mode. Values are 0 to 86400 seconds;
default value is zero seconds. Page 12 Thursday, May 14, 2009 8:49 AM