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Translation of the original manual



Read and understand the following safety instructions before use.

Any modification or update that is not specified in the instructions manual should not be undertaken.

The manufacturer is not liable for any injury or damage due to a non-compliance with the instructions featured in this manual.

If there is any issue or uncertainty, please consult a qualified person to handle the installation correctly.


• Pressurised air can cause serious damage.

• Always stop the air flow and disconnect the tool from the line to replace accessories, repair it or if you are not using it.

• Do not direct the air jet at other people or yourself; always use the tool at a safe distance from people near the work area.

• Fast moving pipes can cause serious damage; check pipes and connections carefully for loss or breakage.

• Do not use the quick-change connections on the tool, they could weigh it down and loosen due to vibration.

• Read the instructions for correct assembly.

• Whenever you use universal swivel couplings, use a locking pin.

• Do not exceed the maximum air pressure limit of 6.2 bar or the value indicated on the plate of the pneumatic tool.

• Handle hoses and connectors with care. Do not hold the pipe to carry the machine. Do not use excessive force to pull the air connector out. Keep 

pipes away from heat sources, lubricants and sharp edges.

• Check the hoses for wear before use. Check that all connections are secure.


• Always use eye and face protection equipment when using the tool.

• Smaller fragments could also cause eye damage and blindness.

• The explosion of pneumatic tools can cause serious damage.


• Keep a suitable distance from working drills, blades, moving tools, etc.

• Do not wear rings or loose clothing.

• When you are near the tool and its accessories, be wary of your hair getting entangled.


• Avoid direct contact with the shaft and its accessory if they are in motion to avoid injury.

• Wear protective gloves.

• Do not modify the tool or its accessories.

• Operators and maintenance personnel must be physically able to handle the power of the tool and follow the necessary procedures.

• Do not force the tool; if you use it at the speed for which it was designed, its performance will be better and more reliable.


• Slipping, tripping and falling are the main causes of accidents.

• The high noise level can cause permanent damage to hearing. Employers and work safety bodies recommend the use of ear protectors.

• Keep your body in balance and firmly on your feet. Repetitive work movements, unusual positions and exposure to vibration can be harmful to your 

hands and arms. In case of numbness, tingling, pain or pallor, stop using the tool and consult a doctor.

• This tool is not suitable for use in hazardous areas.


• Handle the mini milling machine with care to ensure long-lasting performance.

• Wear eye and ear protection, a half mask and protective gloves when using the tool.

• Use the mini milling machine in ventilated areas.

• Do not use the tool in hazardous areas and use it away from combustible materials; contact of the tool with metals produces sparks.

• Do not hold the devide by the pipe.

• Abrasives heat up during use. Allow them to cool down before touching them. Disconnect the air hose when changing or adjusting the abrasives.

  Always use eye protection to avoid injuries caused by debris or parts ejected at high speed when operating the tool.

  High sound levels can lead to permanent hearing loss. Use hearing protection during operation. 


The risk of vibration hazard from Repetitive work motions, awkward positions and exposure to vibration may be harmful 



to your hands and arms.



Very lightweight pneumatic mini-milling machine equipped with two Ø6 and 3 mm clamping sleeves that can reach a speed of 25,000 rpm at 6.2 bar. 

Ideal tool for work requiring precision. 

Summary of Contents for 063228

Page 1: ...0 21 5 7 20 21 8 10 20 21 11 13 20 21 14 16 20 21 17 19 20 21 MINI FRAISEUSE MANDRIN 3 6MM MINI MILLING MACHINE MINISCHLEIFER BOHRFUTTER BOX MINIFRESADORA STIFTSLIJPER MINI FRESATRICE www gys fr Find more languages of user manuals on our website ...

Page 2: ...t être empêtrés RISQUES CAUSÉS PAR LE FONCTIONNEMENT Eviter le contact direct avec l axe et son accessoire s ils sont en mouvement pour éviter toute blessure Mettre des gants de protection pour les mains Ne pas modifier l outil et ses accessoires Les opérateurs et le personnel d entretien doivent être capables physiquement de gérer la puissance de l outil et suivre les opérations nécessaires Ne pa...

Page 3: ... Procéder à la vérification périodique des niveaux des lubrificateurs de la purge des filtres et des canalisations MAINTENANCE En début de journée et avant une période d arrêt prolongé introduire quelques gouttes d huile spéciale directement dans l orifice d admission Ne pas utiliser des liquides inflammables tels que l essence et le gasoil Vérifier régulièrement l état du filtre régulateur et le ...

Page 4: fraiseuse COMPOSITION Deux clés Douilles de serrage Ø 6 mm et Ø 3 mm Fraise boule de Ø5 mm en carbure de tungstène axe de Ø3 mm Notice Raccord air 1 4 CONDITIONS DE GARANTIE La garantie couvre tous défauts ou vices de fabrication pendant 2 ans à compter de la date d achat pièces et main d oeuvre La garantie ne couvre pas Toutes autres avaries dues au transport L usure normale des pièces Les inc...

Page 5: ... be wary of your hair getting entangled RISKS CAUSED BY OPERATION Avoid direct contact with the shaft and its accessory if they are in motion to avoid injury Wear protective gloves Do not modify the tool or its accessories Operators and maintenance personnel must be physically able to handle the power of the tool and follow the necessary procedures Do not force the tool if you use it at the speed ...

Page 6: ...the tool It is essential to disconnect the tool for the installation of accessories Check that they are perfectly fitted before connecting the tool Regularly inspect the condition of the supply piping In the event of damage or leaks proceed to immediate repair A broken pipe can cause serious injury Periodically check lubricator levels filter and pipe purging MAINTENANCE At the beginning of the day...

Page 7: ...cutting head in place on the mini milling machine INCLUDES Two wrenches Recess tools Ø 6 mm and Ø 3 mm Round cutting head Ø5 mm tungsten carbide with Ø3 mm axis Instructions Air connector 1 4 WARRANTY The warranty covers faulty workmanship for 2 years from the date of purchase parts and labour The warranty does not cover Transit damage Normal wear of parts eg cables clamps etc Damages due to misus...

Page 8: ...Haare im Gerät verfangen RISIKEN DURCH DEN BETRIEB Vermeiden Sie den direkten Kontakt mit der Welle und ihrem Zubehör wenn sie in Bewegung sind um eine Unterbrechung zu vermeiden Tragen Sie Schutzhandschuhe für die Hände Das Werkzeug und sein Zubehör dürfen nicht verändert werden Anwender und Wartungspersonal müssen physisch fähig sein die Leistung des Werkzeugs zu steuern und die erforderlichen A...

Page 9: ...gsleitungen Im Falle von Schäden oder Undichtigkeiten sofort reparieren Ein Rohrbruch kann zu schweren Verletzungen führen Regelmäßige Überprüfung der Schmierstoffgeberfüllstände Filter und Rohrspülstände durchführen WARTUNG Zu Beginn des Tages und vor einer langen Stillstandszeit einige Tropfen Spezialöl direkt in die Einlassöffnung einfüllen Keine brennbaren Flüssig keiten wie Benzin und Dieselk...

Page 10: ...hlüssel Spannhülsen Ø 6mm und Ø 3mm Rosenbohrer Ø5mm aus Wolframkarbid Achse Ø3mm Bedienungsanleitung Luftanschluss 1 4 GARANTIE Die Garantieleistung des Herstellers erfolgt ausschließlich bei Fabrikations oder Materialfehlern die binnen 24 Monate nach Kauf angezeigt werden Nachweis Kaufbeleg Die Garantieleistung erfolgt nicht bei Durch Transport verursachten Beschädigungen Normalem Verschleiß der...

Page 11: ...e atención al cabello ya que podrían enredarse RIESGOS CAUSADOS POR EL FUNCIONAMIENTO Evite el contacto directo con el eje y sus accesorios si están en movimiento para evitar lesiones Póngase guantes de protección en las manos No modifique la herramientas y sus accesorios Los operadores y el personal de mantenimiento deben ser capaces físicamente de gestionar la potencia de la herramienta y seguir...

Page 12: ...ión puede provocar heridas graves Proceda a la comprobación regular de los niveles de los lubrificantes del vaciado de los filtros y de las canalizaciones MANTENIMIENTO Al inicio del día y después de un largo periodo sin utilizar la herramienta introducir algunas gotas de aceite especial directamente en el agujero de admisión No utilice líquido inflamable como la gasolina o el gasoil Compruebe reg...

Page 13: ... fresa colocada en la mini fresadora COMPOSICIÓN Dos llaves Casquillos de apriete Ø 6 mm y Ø 3 mm Cortador de bola de carburo de tungsteno de 5 mm Ø5 mm Eje de Ø3 mm Manual de instrucciones Conexión de aire de 1 4 GARANTÍA La garantía cubre todos los defectos o vicios de fabricación durante 2 años a partir de la fecha de compra piezas y mano de obra La garantía no cubre Todas las otras averías res...

Page 14: ...p enz Draag geen ringen of wijde kleding Wanneer u zich dichtbij het gereedschap of onderdelen ervan bevindt houd dan uw haren op veilige afstand daar deze verward kunnen raken in het apparaat RISICO S GELIEERD AAN HET FUNCTIONEREN VAN HET APPARAAT Om verwondingen te voorkomen moet u direct contact met de as van het apparaat en de accessoires vermijden wanneer deze in beweging zijn Draag altijd ve...

Page 15: Vermijd dat het apparaat draait zonder daadwerkelijk iets te slijpen Wanneer dit het geval is na een langdurig gebruik moet u zich ervan verze keren dat geen enkel onderdeel van het apparaat vast is gaan zitten Voordat u onderdelen gaat verwisselen moet het apparaat altijd eerst van de elektrische voeding worden afgekoppeld Controleer altijd voordat u het apparaat opstart of de onderdelen goed ...

Page 16: ... uitsteken Draai aan de moer om de frees in de houder te vergrendelen 4 Afbeelding van de frees in de stiftslijper SAMENSTELLING Twee moersleutels Spantangen Ø 6 mm en Ø 3 mm Kogelfrees van Ø5 mm in wolfraamcarbide as van Ø3 mm Handleiding Aansluiting perslucht 1 4 GARANTIE De garantie dekt alle gebreken en fabricagefouten gedurende twee jaar vanaf de aankoopdatum onderdelen en arbeidsloon De gara...

Page 17: ...e ai capelli che potrebbero rimanere impigliati RISCHI CAUSATI DALL OPERAZIONE Evitare il contatto diretto con il mandrino e i suoi accessori se si muovono per prevenire lesioni Indossare guanti protettivi per le mani Non modificare lo strumento e i suoi accessori Gli operatori e il personale di manutenzione devono essere fisicamente in grado di gestire la potenza dell utensile e seguire le operaz...

Page 18: ...o prima di collegare lo strumento Ispezionare regolarmente le condizioni delle tubazioni di alimentazione In caso di danni o perdite procedere al ripristino immediato Una rottura delle canalizzazioni può causare gravi danni Controllare periodicamente i livelli di lubrificatore i filtri e le linee di spurgo MANUTENZIONE All inizio della giornata e prima di un arresto prolungato introdurre alcune go...

Page 19: ...raggio Fai uscire la fresa di 2 3 Quindi avvitare il dado per bloccare la taglierina nel relativo supporto 4 Messa in posizione sulla mini fresatrice COMPOSIZIONE Due chiavi Boccole di serraggio Ø 6 mm e Ø 3 mm Mulino a sfere in metallo duro Ø5 mm Asse Ø3 mm Avviso Connessione aria 1 4 GARANZIA La garanzia copre qualsiasi difetto di fabbricazione per 2 anni a partire dalla data d acquisto pezzi e ...

Page 20: ...3 Anneau retainer Ring Anilla Anello Ring 9 70109 Joint torique O ring Junta tórica Guarni zione torica O ring 9 8x1 9 24 51224 Douille de serrage collet Spannhülse Manguito de fijación Boccola di serraggio Spantang 10 52210 Vis de soupape valve screw Ventilschraube Tornillos de válvula Vite della valvola Schroefventiel 25 52225 Ecrou de serrage collet nut Spannmutter Tuerca de apriete Dado di ser...

Page 21: ... internet www gys fr Devicecompliant with European directives The certificate of compliance is available on our website www gys welding com Gerät entspricht europäischen Richtlinien Die Konformitätserklärung finden Sie auf unserer Webseite Aparato conforme a las directivas europeas La declaración de conformidad está disponible en nuestra página web www gys fr Dit apparaat is vervaardigd in overeen...
