TH2523 Series Operation Manual
OFF(0) command is used to disable statistic function.
TRIG command is used to trigger the measurement.
The : STATIstics:COUNt? query returns the statistical comparator result.
Query syntax: : STATIstics: COUNt?
Response: <HI counting (NR1)>, <IN counting (NR1)>, < LO counting (NR1)>
For example: Query: STATI: COUNt?
Response: 1516, 9310, 737
The : STATIstics:MEAN? query returns the average value of statistical results.
The : STATIstics:MAXimum? query returns the maximum value of statistical results.
Query syntax: : STATIstics:MAXimum?
Response: <maximum (NR3), serial number corresponding to the maximum (NR1)>
For example: Query
1.2450E+01, 5
The : STATIstics:MINimum? query returns the minimum value of statistical results.
Query syntax: : STATIstics:MINimum?
Response: <minimum (NR3)>,< serial number corresponding to the minimum (NR1)>
For example: Query: :STATI: MIN?
Response: 1.2350E+01,8
The : STATIstics:SET <num>, <hi>, <lo> command sets the statistical times, statistical high
and low limits.
Command syntax:
:STATI:SET 20,200,100
Or STATI:SET 20,0.03,0.01 (percentage mode)
Query syntax: : STATIstics:SET?
<(NR2)>,<(NR3)>,< (NR3)>
For example: Syntax: :STATI:SET?
Response: 20, 2.0000E+02,1.0000E+02
Or 20,3.0000E-02,1.0000E-02