TH2523 Series Operation Manual
255, and then press X1 to finish inputting.
Move the cursor to it, ON and OFF will be displayed in the soft key zone.
The measurement voltage across DUT will be displayed in the <MEAS DISP> page
when ON is selected; when OFF is selected, it will be turned off.
Move the cursor to it, ON and OFF will be displayed in the soft key zone.
The measurement current through DUT will be displayed in the <MEAS DISP>
page when ON is selected; when OFF is selected, it will be turned off.
Move the cursor to it, OFF, ABS and % will be displayed in the soft
key zone. When OFF is selected, the primary display value is the primary
measurement value; when ABS is selected, the primary display value is the primary
measurement value minus the primary reference value; when % is selected, the
primary display value=[(the primary measurement value-the primary reference
value)/ the primary reference value]*100%.
Move the cursor to it, OFF, ABS and % will be displayed in the soft
key zone. When OFF is selected, the secondary display value is the secondary
measurement value; when ABS is selected, the secondary display value is the
secondary measurement value minus the secondary reference value; when % is
selected, the secondary display value=[(the secondary measurement value-the
secondary reference value)/ the secondary reference value]*100%.
Primary and secondary reference values. Move the cursor to it,
INCR++, INCR+, DECR-, DECR-- and MEAS will be displayed in the soft key
zone. When MEAS is selected, primary and secondary measurement values of the
current DUT will be displayed in REF A and REF B. Press INCR++, INCR+,
DECR-, DECR-- keys and the value will be increased and decreased. You can also
input the desired value through the numerical keyboard and press the corresponding
soft key to confirm.
Move the cursor to it, 50Hz and 60Hz will be displayed in the soft key
zone. User should adopt a power source whose frequency is identical to that of the
inlet power supply, thus to decrease the measurement error causing by the noise of
power frequency.
Move the cursor to it and input the desired value through the numerical
keyboard ranging from 0 to 60s, and then press X1 to finish inputting.
TH2523 has four trigger modes: INT (internal trigger), MAN (manual trigger), EXT (external
trigger) and BUS (bus trigger).
When Trig is set to the INT mode, TH2523 will automatically make continuous measurement.