RechargX™ RX161 v1
Mon - Fri 8am - 8pm ET
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Step 18: Remove the Plastic Cover
Wedge a small flat-blade screwdriver near
the center of the plastic covering the reset
chip, between the cover and the cartridge
and roll the screwdriver to the right to cause
the left side of the cover to pop off, shown
in figure 22a.
Slide the flat-blade screwdriver to the right
slowly to lift the right side of the cover (figure
22b). Be careful not to break the plastic cover
as we will need it later.
If you do break the plastic cover save
it and we will use tape to hold it in place in a
later step.
Step 19: Remove the Reset Chip
With the plastic cover removed the reset chip
will simply fall out of the cartridge. Simply roll
the cartridge forward until the reset chip falls
out and then put the cartridge back in to its
current orientation (figure 23).
Step 20: Replacing the Cartridge
Reset Chip
After removing the old reset chip from the
toner cartridge, remove the RX161RC reset
chip from its protective plastic bag.
Slide the new reset chip into the toner cartridge
with the circuitry facing the outer edge of the
toner cartridge. Figure 24 shows the reset chip
with the side that should be facing outward
facing up.
Figure 22a:
Roll the screwdriver to the right to make
the left side of the cover pop off
Figure 22b:
Slide the flat-blade screwdriver to the right
Figure 23:
The old reset chip
Figure 24:
The new reset chip