RechargX™ RX139
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These toner cartridges are quite easy to refill
using our ReChargX™ RX139 Premium Print
Toner Refill Kits.
Within these ReChargX™ RX139 Premium Print
Toner Refill Kit instructions we will be adding new
toner, emptying the waste hopper and replacing
the toner cartridge reset chip.
: We will be working with the HP CB543A
Magenta cartridge throughout the instructions.
These instructions apply to each cartridge within
this series of supplies.
Step 1: Orient the Toner Cartridge
Orient the cartridge on your work surface so the
cartridge handle will be toward your chest and
the reset chip on the left side (figure 1).
Step 2: Cover the Cartridge Drum
Rotate the cartridge on your work surface so the
toner cartridge drum will be toward the ceiling;
proceed to slip a small piece of paper between
the lip of the cartridge and drum unit so it seats
firmly between the two (figure 2a).
Fold the paper over the cartridge drum unit and
tape the side to the edge of the toner cartridge
(figures 2b and 2c).
Step 3: Locate the Toner Hopper Area
Orient the cartridge on your work surface so the
toner cartridge handle will be toward your chest
and the reset chip on the left. The toner hopper
area will be placed on the far left side of the
cartridge as shown by the yellow box in figure 3.
ReChargX™ RX139 Instructions
For use in the HP CB540A, CB541A, CB542A and CB543A
toner cartridges
Figure 1
: The HP CB543A toner cartridge
Figure 2a
: Inserting paper into the lip of the imaging
Figure 2b
: Folding the paper over the Drum
Figure 2c
: Taping the paper over the Drum
Figure 3
: The toner hopper area