the index of the SDI-12 sensor (0, 1, 2 etc)
the first entry in the SDI-12 command list (Ordinal 0) will be
Sensor ID 0
if all subsequent entries (Ordinal 1, 2 etc) are on the same
address they will all have Sensor ID 0
if a command (Ordinal) is entered with a different address, it
will become Sensor ID 1
the sub sensor ID (0, 1, 2 etc)
the first command (Ordinal 0) will be allocated Sensor ID and
Sub Sensor 0
if the 2
command is for the same address it will be Sensor ID
0, Sub Sensor 1
the number of values which follow (01 to 99)
the sensor / tag value.
If there are multiple measurements, they are separated with a
space character
7.2.2. TBS12PC-FS Pulse Count Mode
TBS12 PC-FS pulse count data is sent with a P or Pulse identifier.
PP18:06:01:17:00012 15 350
PP:yy:mm:dd:hh:mm:ss<SID><SSID>n pr tot
YYYY MM dd HH mm ss
Sensor ID
0 = P1 1 = P2
SSID (Mode)
Sub Sensor ID 1 = Pulse Count mode
number of parameters (always 2)
precipitation or elapsed flow
flow totaliser