Connection of the Terminal Board (BOX-064) to the
Main Terminal Board
Route cables from the main terminal board to the termi-
nal board (BOX-064) and connect to the individual clip
terminals using clipping tool C (Standard accessory).
See Fig. 14 for the diagram of the interior of the ter-
minal board (BOX-064).
Connector J1 is connected to clip terminal J1 on the
inside of the terminal board.
Connect the individual cables to the clip terminals
following the terminal wiring diagram attached to the
door. If
number of circuits involved is 65 or more
(or 57 or more if the paging function is to be used),
two terminal boards are required. Diagram for con-
nection of up to 128 stations appears on the back of
the terminal wiring diagrams and should be followed
when installing such systems.
Before mounting the terminal board (BOX-064) on a wall,
to make sure that it will fit into the space provided.
(See Fig. 14)
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