W W W . T M G I N D U S T R I A L . C O M P 1 1 / 1 7 To l l F r e e : 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 6 1 - 2 8 1 9
Figure 8
The whole structure inspection: check all components and trusses to make
sure the whole structure is squared to the base line drawn at the step 1. All
trusses must be set up righted at 90 degree. All purlins must be straight inline.
If any purlins are not inline with they will need to be corrected before moving
to the next step.
Now it is the time to secure all bolts and nuts firmed on the structure. But do
not over-tight the bolts, otherwise the tubes might be damaged.
Step 5 : Front and rear trusses to complete
Install all other tubes on the front and rear trusses as below figure 9.
Parts used in this step.
(4x2) Expansion bolts (#7B)
(1x2) Ceiling cross bar (#8)
(1x2) Ceiling cross bar (#9)
(1x2) Side door left tube (#9A)
(1x2) Side door right tube (#9B)
(1x2) Side door (#9C)
(1x2) Front and rear vertical door rail (#9L)
(1x2) Front and rear vertical door rail (#9R)
(1x2) Front and rear vertical door rail (#10L)
(1x2) Front and rear vertical door rail (#10R)
(1x2) Door center vertical supporting rod for cross beam (#10)