Update Memory 02
cell 2000 mA
. You now have an opportunity to change the cell count. If the cell count is correct then
simply press the right
button to continue. If not, you can change the cell count at this point by
using the up
or down
button until the cell count you want is displayed. Notice that holding the
button down will rapidly advance through the numbers. When the cell count you want is displayed,
press the right
button to continue.
Unlike some other chargers the Xtrema does not require you to know the nominal
voltage of your pack. Most people refer to their Li Po batteries by the cell count (series count) the
nominal voltage will be calculated and presented to you for verification later.
The memory location will only be updated if you actually proceed to charge the pack
so that the next time you go to charge, the Xtrema has remembered the last pack you charged. If
you hit the left
button at this point you will go back to step 5 and the cell value will revert to the
original value.
Update Memory 02
3 cell
. You now have an opportunity to change the milliamps. For most Li batteries this is
normally set to 1C or basically the milliamp rating of the battery or less. If the milliamp charge rate
is correct then simply press the right
button to continue. If not you can change the milliamps at
this point by using the up
or down
buttons until the milliamps you want is displayed. Notice
that holding the button up or down will rapidly advance through the numbers. When the milliamps
you want is displayed press the right
button to continue.
Unlike some other chargers the Xtrema does not require you to convert from amps to
milliamp or vise versa. Your battery packs are marked in milliamp so the Xtrema is set in milliamp
reducing the chance of conversion error.
Make sure you set the charge rate to (or below) the recommended
milliamps suggested by the manufacturer. EXCEEDING the recommended settings may cause
your packs to overheat and produce
. Typically the number of milliamps of charge
current is equal to the number of milliamp hours of capacity of the battery. This is also known as
charging the battery at 1C. M1 cells and other types of Lithium cells can be charged at a higher
rate. An M1 cell at 2300 mah capacity can be charged at up to 10 amps! Therefore, please refer
to the battery manufacturers suggested charge rate.
For example:
If your battery is labeled as a 2500 mah battery then you typically charge a Lithium
polymer battery at a 2500 milliamp rate. You may also charge below that amount however your
charge time will increase and the max time in the SETUP MENU may need to be increased from
the default of 120 minutes. (See section on SETUP MENU)