Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
The FAT 1 is a stereo unit yet there is only one set of controls, Why is this?
The FAT 1’s single set of controls affect both channels simultaneously, since
the unit always works in linked stereo mode. To operate in mono mode, simply run
your mono signal through the left channel input/output (either the line input, or the
instrument input if applicable).
The Threshold, Ratio, Attack, Release and Knee controls aren’t working.
This is because the Program control is not set to Manual mode, and these
parameters are all fixed within the FAT 1.
Why is it I occasionally get some LF distortion on certain settings?
This happens when a Fast Release time is selected on certain bass-heavy
sources. The compressor is then forced in and out of gain reduction within an
individual cycle, and thus distortion is caused on the lower frequencies. Selecting a
slow attack/release time will cure the problem.
Can I use the preset settings on instruments other than those recommended?
Absolutely. If it sounds good, use it!
The Gain Make-Up control isn’t working.
This control is only active when the ‘Compressor On’ switch is engaged.
The FAT 1 is a stereo unit but there is only one valve in it. Why?
A: The unit employs a single ECC83/12AX7A dual triode valve, so called
because it features two separate valve stages within one glass housing. Each
channel of the FAT 1 employs one of these stages.
How long do the valves last before they need replacing?
This very much depends on the valve itself, whether the unit is left switched on
all the time and how much the unit is moved around. On average we’d say
about three years. The valve itself is easily sourced and relatively inexpensive -
contact your dealer for details.