Line Inputs.
Each channel has a 3 pin TRS jack socket on the rear panel, which will accept balanced or
unbalanced line inputs providing the mating plug is suitably wired:
Balanced inputs:
- Screen = Ground,
- Tip = Signal Phase (“+” or “hot”),
- Ring = Signal Non-Phase (“-” or “cold”).
Unbalanced inputs:
- Screen = Ground,
- Tip = Signal Phase (“+” or “hot”),
- Ring = Ground.
Good quality screened cable should be used, particularly for microphone or low level
sources, to prevent hum or noise pickup. Refer to Figure 3 for rear panel connector
Instrument Inputs.
Each channel has a 0.25” jack socket on the front panel (see Figure 2). A 2 pin (mono) jack
plug is required, which should be wired as follows:
- Tip = Signal Phase (“+” or “hot”),
- Screen = Ground.
The outputs via 3 pin TRS jack sockets on the rear panel, and may be configured for
balanced or unbalanced connection. Balanced operation is always preferable to maintain
maximum headroom and signal to noise ratio, but can only be used if the following equipment
is also capable of balanced operation:
Balanced outputs:
- Screen = Ground,