3b. If mounting the intake plenum from the attic:
-Use the included mounting brackets. Break apart the mounting brackets as shown (Figure D).
- Bend the mounting bracket ends and insert one mounting bracket into the other to form a sliding mounting bracket
(Figure E). Repeat with the other set of brackets to form two separate sliding mounting brackets.
-Expand the mounting bracket to the full width of your trusses or joist (Figure F). Hold against intake plenum and
secure using provided screws the mounting bracket at each of the three mounting holes on the intake plenum.
-Repeat on the other side of the intake plenum.
-Secure both mounting bracket ends to the truss or joist. Repeat on the other side of the intake plenum.
4. Manually insert crimped end of fan into the radiation damper. Drill 1/8” holes through both the radiation damper and fan
on the 4 sides of the fan assembly (damper and fan) (Figure G). Secure the radiation damper to the fan using the 4
included screws (Figure H).
5. Place fan assembly (damper and fan) onto the intake plenum with radiation damper up (Figure I).
Drill 1/8” holes through both the fan and plenum on the 4 sides of the fan. Secure the fan to the
plenum using the 4 included screws.
6. Pull the wings of the radiation dampers together and secure them together using the fusible link.
7. Wire the fan using the wiring diagrams listed in the Wiring section.
Figure I
Figure H
Figure G
Figure F
Figure E
Figure D