CANopen is a CAN-based communication system. It comprises higher-layer protocols
and profile specifications. CANopen has been developed as a standardized embedded
network with highly flexible configuration capabilities. It was designed originally for
motion-oriented machine control systems, such as handling systems. Today it is used
in various application fields, such as medical equipment, off-road vehicles, maritime
electronics, railway applications, or building automation.
CanFestival project is an open source CANopen multi-platform framework.
) CanFestival focuses on providing an ANSI-C platform
independent CANopen stack that can be implemented as master or slave nodes on
PCs, Real-time IPCs, and Microcontrollers.
For detailed information about using CanFestival in your project see the "
CanFestival CANopen stack manual
How to get CanFestival
You can get the CanFestival source code from
for CanFestival. Or you can download the code with TITAN driver from
Linux Compilation and installation
Linux target is default configure target.
Call./configure -help to see all available compile time options.
After invoking ./configure with your platform specific switches, just type make.
./configure –can=titan
make install