Remote control functions
Room monitoring
Room monitoring: The microphone of your telephone
is turned on and you can listen to what is happening in the
surroundings of the device.
Remote interrogation
The answering machine plays back all new messages that
of new messages
have been recorded since your last remote interrogation.
When all messages have been played back, you will hear
the voice message "end of messages".
Remote interrogation
The answering machine plays back all messages that have
of all messages
been recorded since the answering mode was activated.
Next MSN
Allows a remote interrogation for further MSNs. Dial the
number of the corresponding MSN (1 ... 6). The device
acknowledges the number. All further remote interrogati-
ons will now refer to this MSN.
The play-back is started at the current position.
Other OGM
Allows you to select another outgoing message. Dial the
desired OGM number (1 - 7). The device acknowledges
the OGM number and plays it back for verification purposes.
The current function stops.
Change OGM
Allows you to record a new OGM during the remote ope-
ration. Dial the OGM number (1 - 6). The device acknow-
ledges the OGM number. Start recording the new OGM via
the mouthpiece of the handset. Should this be an OGM
without incoming recording, press "8" (stop). Should this
be an OGM with incoming recording, press "#". You can
also record a final message if desired. After having spoken
the final message just press "#" again. The device plays
the complete OGM back for verification purposes. You can
now replace the handset. The answering machine will now
play back the new OGM when answering calls.
Secondary function
Pressing this button allows you to access a secondary
Hands-free mode
The hands-free mode is activated.
Room signal
This creates a room signal (beep) via the loudspeaker.
This function corresponds to the VIPfunction. The room
signal is heard 60 seconds and is stopped automatically
Remote control (only tiptel 291/293)