Chapter 11
The Diagnostics page allows you to analyze the condition of your terminal(s) by utiliz-
ing a series of tests. Only administrators are authorized to perform these tests. To view
the status of your terminal, you can select Go to Menu
All Test
This option will assess the quality of the terminals LCD Display, Voice, Keyboard and
Biometric Sensors.
LCD Test
This will perform an evaluation test of your terminals’ display by gauging its effects
under all colors, including pure white and black. Press OK to continue to the next test
or Esc to Stop.
Test Voice
Select this function to ensure the quality of your voice files are clear and complete.
Pressing OK to continue to the next test or Esc to Stop.
Test Camera
This will determine if the photos taken by the camera are clear and acceptable.
Test Clock RTC
The RTC test will accurately examine the time & date to ensure the time logged is ac-
curate. Click OK to start the test. Every 10ms passed will be displayed as 1s.