The manufacturer does not assume any responsibility if the buyer fails to comply with the
instructions for use and installation of the stove.
Packaging material is 100% recyclable.
For a waste disposal of, act in accordance with local regulations.
Packaging material (plastic bags, polystyrene parts-polystyrene, etc.). Should be kept away
from children, as a potential source of danger.
Take care of safe removing and disposing of wooden boards because they are connected
with nails.
The device is made of materials that can be recycled. When disposing the waste,act in
accordance with enviromental laws in effect.
Use only the recommended fuel.
It is forbiden burning an inorganic and organic materials (plastics, plywood,textile, oiled wood,
etc..), because the combustion releases carcinogenic materials and other toxics.
Stove will work well only if you follow the given instructions.
TIM SISTEM is obligated to provide spare parts and eliminate interference with the stove that
are covered by this warranty within the time limit not exceeding 45 days from the date of de-
fect report . If the defect is not corrected within 45 days, you have the right to a substitution
for a new product.
The warranty is valid from the date of purchase, as evidenced by duly completed guarantee
certificate, and the shop’s receipt.
The warranty for this product is 24 months.
TIM SISTEM is obliged to provide spare parts in due time after the stove is no longer pro-