Regular and proper cleaning allows proper operation and long life of the stove. All cleaning
the interior or exterior surfaces are always performed in a cold oven.
Cleaning exterior surfaces
- is done with a soft cloth that will not damage the surface of the
stove. Cleaners of chemical origin can damage the surface of the fire place and cannot be
used. Painted surfaces must not be cleaned with abrasive products.
Cleaning inter surfaces
–when cleaning use protective gloves.
Clean the bottom of the ovenfrom accumulated ash and pick up small unburned pieces of the
grid, clean the ashtray and ash accumulated in the interior of the fireplace.
Cleaning glass surfaces
- glass on the firebox may get dirthy during the operation.. For
cleaning use a mild detergent. Do not use abrasive cleaners because they can damage the
surface of the glass. Clean the glass only when cool.
Cleaning and maintenance of the chimney
- chimney cleaning and control is
recommended at least once a year and after a long downtime. Regular maintenance and
control of the chimney will prevent the occurrence of fire and poor operation of the stove.
Malfunction. Recommendations for its elimination
Cleaning and maintenance of the chimney - chimney cleaning and inspection is
recommended at least once a year as well as anyone inside long time interval. Regular
maintenance and control of the chimney will help prevent the occurrence of fire and bad
working furnace.
Monthly cleaning of the boiler includes a complete cleaning of the interior walls of the boiler
of the accumulated soot and ash in all channels where moving combustion products.
Depending on the manner in which handling the furnace, the type of fuel used, the draft in
the chimney, preferably monthly cleaning done in shorter time intervals.
The most effective way of cleaning is that after scratching the walls with an auxiliary boiler
accessories, ashes and soot removed vacuum scavengers
Glass braids are not subject to regular service because they are expendable material
The following table shows the most common defects and recommendations for their removal.
Table: Showing the most common malfunctions, possible causes and ways of eliminating it.