When igniter / lighter start to radiate heat, wood pellet is starting to produce gases. Heating of
that gases cause the small fire near the “hole which allows lighting ” which is drilled on burning pot.
After the critical temperature is reached, wood pellet starts to burn. In the moment of starting fire,
there should not be to much gases in the firebox because it could cause fire and explosion of gases.
Most usual causes of explosion are: small speed of exhaust gases fan, wet wood pellet, weak
igniter, overdose of pellet in burning pot during lighting/igniting phase.
Basic setting of Fan speed in ignition phase is 1400 (Parameter N-9-6-16). Diameter and
height of chimney could influence preferred value of this parameter. (High fan speed in lightning
mode could influence the parameter in negative way because temperature of igniter will be
influenced by high speed of blowing fan. After initial pellet loading, Auger will make a brake of 100
seconds (Par. N-9-4-04), in order to wait for establishing of fire. After this, Ager will start working
according Parameter N-9-6-04 (0, 8’’) until the moment when stove starts to work with established
and stabile fire.
Recommended height of wood pellet in the burning pot during ignition
Burning pot with correct fumes / Burning pot with wrong fumes
When temperature probe of exhaust gases register increasing of temperature (40 °C) , stove
is entering in mode of establishing stabile flame. The aim of this phase is to increase temperature by
the burning the residual pellet in the burning pot. In the moment of entering working mode, there
should be a appropriate quantity of hot glowing ash (approx. 1/3 of burning pot).
Parameters which are influencing establishing fire phase are:
- Parameter N-9-6-05 (0,6'') Time of loading pellet in “Cleaning of burning pot mode "before stove
enter working mode