3. General information
The Prüfball ZAP 1050L is equipped with pushbut-
tons on both handles.
Voltage is indicated by LEDs and the LCD either with
or without pressing the push-buttons.
Without pressing the push-buttons the instrument
performs high-resistance tests and while pressing
them, low-impedance tests with connected load
1050 W are performed.
The connecting line may not be bended otherwise it
can be damaged.
Therefore the ZAP has to be stored in an appropriate
casing (see 8.1).
4. Testing
4.1 General Information
The voltage tester switches on automatically when
connected to a voltage of 40 V or more.
For continuity tests hold both test electrodes together
when device is still switched off.
Phase sequence
Bargraph for voltage
Voltage / resi-
stance value
LEDs for
50 V AC/120 V DC
Load indication
Special note for load tests
During longer load tests the connection line
warms up. Neither bend or wind the connecting
line during the test procedure nor knot and hang
the line around your neck. Load tests may only be
performed up to 230 V rated voltage.
An interruption for cooling is neccessary when
performing several load tests in a sequence.