TR/YR Owners Manual
5. ALWAYS lock the rear wheels using wheel locks before you transfer. This keeps the rear wheels from rolling. If
your wheelchair is equipped with caster pin locks, ALWAYS lock them before you transfer. Caster pin locks keep
the front casters from rotating (but not from rolling). NOTE: Wheel locks and caster pin locks will NOT keep your
chair from sliding away from you or tipping.
6. If your wheels have pneumatic (inflatable) tires, ALWAYS make sure to keep the tires properly inflated at all
times. The wheel locks may slip if the tire pressure is low, which may cause the chair to roll unexpectedly during a
7. ALWAYS rotate the front casters as far forward as possible and turn them to the seat (bed, etc.) to which you are
8. ALWAYS remove the wheelchair armrests, or swing them out of the way, so they do not impede your movement
during the transfer.
9. If possible, ALWAYS remove the footrests, or swing them out of the way, to ensure your feet do not get caught
between the footrests. TiLite strongly recommends that you place your feet on the floor when you are transferring
to or from your chair.
10. NEVER put your weight on the footrests when you are transferring to or from your chair because this may cause
the chair to tip over and/or roll away.
11. When transferring into your chair, ALWAYS transfer as far back onto your seat as possible in order to reduce the
risk that the chair will tip over or move away from you causing you to fall.
12. If possible, ALWAYS try to avoid falling into your chair uncontrollably when transferring into your chair. This places
undue stress on your chair’s components, and if your chair does start to move or tip you will not be ready to regain
If you ignore these Warnings, you may fall, tip over or lose control of the wheelchair and seriously injure yourself or
others or damage the wheelchair.
When you engage in activities while seated in your chair such as dressing or undressing or changing your clothes,
your weight will shift. Since your attention will be directed to the activity in question, your risk of falling or tipping over
is increased. To reduce this risk, get dressed or undressed or change your clothes while seated in a regular chair or
on a bed. If you must get dressed or undressed or change your clothes while seated in your wheelchair:
1. ALWAYS rotate the front casters so they are trailing forward. This makes the chair more stable. NOTE: To get your
front casters to trail forward, first move your chair forward and, second, back up. By moving backward, your front
casters will rotate and trail forward.
2. ALWAYS lock your anti-tips in the down position so the risk of a backward tip-over is minimized. If your chair does
not have anti-tips, back it up against a wall and lock both rear wheels using your wheel locks.
3. If your chair is equipped with caster pin locks, ALWAYS engage them.
If you ignore these Warnings, you may fall, tip over or lose control of the wheelchair and seriously injure yourself or
others or damage the wheelchair.
When you bend, reach or lean from your chair you will affect the center of balance of your chair. Therefore, bending,
reaching or leaning may cause you to fall or tip over. In order to avoid falling or tipping over, you must determine your
particular safety limitations given the configuration of your chair and your body weight and type. To do this, practice
bending, reaching and leaning activities (and various combinations of such activities) under the supervision of your
health care advisor. Do this BEFORE attempting active use of your chair. The following will help you avoid falling or
tipping over when bending, reaching or leaning from your chair:
1. NEVER bend, reach or lean in a way that requires you to move forward in your seat.
2. ALWAYS keep your buttocks in contact with the backrest and the seat cushion when bending, reaching or
3. NEVER shift your weight in the same direction you are bending, reaching or leaning.
4. NEVER reach or lean to the rear unless your chair has anti-tips locked in place.