Flow2 stairlift
Tab 04: Install, adjust and release
During the preassembly you fit the entire rail together without fixing it to the stairs.
1. Sort the rail sections, brackets and legs by number (refer to the installation drawing).
2. Assemble the rail section for section from the bottom of the stairs to the top:
a. Fit the relevant legs and brackets to the rail section.
b. Insert a section bush into the upper end of the rail section.
c. Lay the rail section in position and draw the feeder cable for the charging contacts through
the rail section. When charging contacts are to be fitted to the relevant rail section, make
sure that the feeder cable projects from the position of the charging contacts, and then
draw the remainder through the rail section.
d. Slide the rail section over the section bush of the previous rail section and clamp the
section bush.
e. Drive a locking pin into the rack coupling.
f. Repeat steps a to e inclusive for the next rail section.
g. Fit a cap to the top and bottom ends of the rail.
h:. Assemble and install the charging contacts.
i. Connect the transformer.
j. Position the rail.
Fitting the legs and brackets
Three types of brackets are used:
Floor brackets (for a vertical stop at the bottom of the stairs).
Tread brackets (on the stairs).
Landing brackets (for landings and horizontal sections).
The above is a recommended sequence. Usually, assembly from the bottom to the top
will be preferable; however, this is not always the case. Decide for yourself which one you
find is the simplest.
Ensure that the locking pin is securely seated in the rack coupling, it must not protrude
underneath the rail.