User Manual
Acronyms and Definitions
- I -
IE ................................. Internet Explorer
IEEE ............................. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IF ................................. Intermediate Frequency
IP ................................. Internet Protocol
IP66 ............................ Ingress Protection
- L -
LAN ............................ Local Area Network (Ethernet)
LHCP .......................... Left-Hand Circular Polarization
LOS ............................. Line of Sight
- M -
M2M .......................... Machine-to-Machine
MAC ........................... Media Access Control
Mbps ......................... Megabits per second
MMI ........................... Multi-Media Interface
MSS ............................ Mobile Satellite Services
- N -
NAT ............................ Network Address Translator
- O -
OSD ............................ Over-The-Air Software Download
OTA ............................ Over-The-Air
- P -
PC................................ Personal Computer
PLL .............................. Phase Locked Loop
POST .......................... Power On Self-Tests
- R -
RF ................................ Radio Frequency
RHCP.......................... Right-Hand Circular Polarization
RX ............................... Receive
- S -
SCADA....................... Supervisory Control and Data acquisition
SSID ............................ Service Set Identifier
- T -
TCP ............................. Transmission Control Protocol
TIA .............................. Transmission Industry Association
TX ................................ Transmit
- U -
UDP ............................ User Datagram Protocol
URL ............................. Uniform Resource Identifier
UV ............................... Ultra Violet
- V -
VDC ............................ Voltage Direct Current
- W -
WLAN ........................ Wireless Local Area Network