LPS710E Long Travel Piezo Stage and Controller
Output Bandwidth
- Unfiltered or 200 Hz. A low pass filter can be switched on to limit the
output bandwidth to the range of interest in most closed loop applications, i.e. 200Hz..
Force Reading
- Not currently implemented. For future use with force sensing
Jog Step Size
- the distance to move when a jog command is initiated. If in closed loop
mode, the step size is measured in microns; if in open loop mode, the step size is
measured in Volts.
Front Panel LED Brightness
- In some applications, the light from the front panel of
the unit may cause unwanted light polution. This parameter allows the brightness of
the front panel LED display to be adjusted, either Full, Dim or OFF.
Persist Settings to Hardware -
Many of the parameters that can be set for the PPC001
controller can be stored (persisted) within the unit itself, such that when the unit is next
powered up these settings are applied automatically. The Output Voltage Range and
Drive Input Source parameters described previously are good examples of settings
that can be altered and then persisted in the driver for later use.
To save the settings to hardware, check the ‘Persist Settings to Hardware’ checkbox
before clicking the ‘OK button.
5.2.2 Loop Tuning tab.
Fig. 5.3 Loop Tuning tab - default settings