ELL18K Rotation Stage Evaluation Kit
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting and FAQ
Page 14
The device is not responding during cleaning or optimization
This is normal.
The cleaning and the optimization routines block a device and the associated communication bus for several
minutes. When one of these routines is initiated, the bus is unavailable until the routine is completed, and the
device replies busy ‘0GS09’ to all commands except the stop command ‘0st’ (for a unit at address 0). The stop
request can take up to 5 seconds to abort the operation.
During these routines, the unit may increase in temperature by several degrees. Because of this inherent
temperature increase, consecutive cleaning and optimization routines should be avoided.
After optimization or cleaning, allow a 20 min cool down period before use.
What is the typical product life time?
ELL18 product life time is restricted by the wearing of moving surfaces and the motor contact as motion is
started (due to resonance build up) and performed (due to friction), and is expressed in km travelled. Lifetime
will depend on several factors (e.g. load, number of homing operations, number of frequency searches etc.)
and users must take into account all these factors when considering life time. For example, homing requires
more travel than a simple motion, and a frequency search may not generate any motion at all, but still energizes
the motors fully.
The unit is not designed for continuous operation. Users should aim for a duty cycle of less than 40% wherever
possible, and never exceed a duty cycle of 60% for longer than a few seconds. Furthermore, it is good practice
to move in the shortest path, so from position 350° to 5° it is better to move CW 15° (relative move) rather than
CCW 345° (absolute move).
A typical lifetime is more than 100 km or 600,600 revolutions.
The stage and interface board are robust to general handling. To ensure reliable operation, keep the surface of
the plastic track contacted by the motors free of oils, dirt, and dust. It is not necessary to wear gloves while
handling the linear stage, but avoid touching the track to keep it free of oils from fingerprints. If it is necessary
to clean the track, it may be wiped with isopropyl alcohol or mineral spirits (white spirit). Do not use acetone, as
this solvent will damage the plastic track.