ELL18K Rotation Stage Evaluation Kit
Chapter 4: Operation
Page 10
4.2.3. Communications Protocol
Custom move applications can be written in languages such as C# and C++.
The communication bus allows multi-drop communication with speeds at 9600 baud, 8 bit data length, 1 stop
bit, no parity.
Protocol data is sent in ASCII HEX format, while module addresses and commands are mnemonic character
(no package length is sent). Modules are addressable (default address is “0”) and addresses can be changed
and/or saved using a set of commands. Lower case commands are sent by user while upper case commands
are replies by the module.
Please refer to the communications protocol manual for more detail about commands and data packet formats.
4.2.4. Connecting Multiple Devices
When a device is first connected to the PC, it is assigned the default address '0'. The software can run
multiple devices; however, before more than one device can be recognised, each device must be assigned a
unique address. See below for a brief overview; detailed instructions are contained in the help file supplied
with the software.
Connect the first device to the PC USB port, then run the Elliptec software and load the device.
Change the address of the first device.
Connect the next device to the first device.
Change the address of the second device.
Multiple devices can be controlled individually, either via the Elliptec software or by a third party application
written using the messages detailed in the protocol document. Control via the handset is applied to all devices
4.2.5. Controlling the Stage without the handset
During normal operation each motor is protected with a time out of 2.5 seconds to prevent overheating. Do not
override this protection or drive the motors continuously.
In the absence of the handset, the stage is controlled via digital lines: forward, backward and mode (J1 pins 7,
6 and 5) by shorting the corresponding line to ground (pin 1).
When the stage is moving, the open drain IN MOTION digital line (pin 4) is driven low (active low) to confirm
movement. The IN MOTION line goes high (inactive) when the move is completed or the maximum time-out
(2.5 seconds) is reached.
Do not exceed the voltage and current ratings stated in Figure 5.
Do not reverse polarity.