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DDSM100 Direct Drive Translation Stage
Chapter 4 Operation
4.1 General
The stage is connected to the controller via a flying lead, terminated in a D-type
For a complete tutorial on using the stage, see the manual supplied with the KBD101
controller. Basic steps in controlling the stage are as follows:
1) Make electrical connections as detailed in Section 3.3.
2) Manually position the moving platform to be around its central position.
3) Power up the KBD101 controller and wait until the Channel Enable LED starts
flashing (~3s).
4) Press and hold the ENABLE button for ~3 seconds to initiate a home sequence.
Alternatively, run the software and click the ‘Home’ button on each GUI panel.
When homing is complete, the Channel Enable LED stops flashing.
The DDSM100 stage is designed to be driven by the Thorlabs KBD101
Brushless DC Motor K-Cube. For full compatibility, the controller should have
Firmware version 1.0.1 or higher. The Firmware version is displayed on start up
- see the associated controller manual for more information.
The motor controller must be switched OFF before the stages are plugged in or
unplugged. Failure to switch the controller off may result in damage to either the
controller, the stage, or both.
3-phase brushless DC motors are commutated electronically, i.e. the controller
drives the coils with a precisely controlled waveform, that depends on the
position of the motor coil housing. On power up, the position of the coil housing
is not known. The controller establishes this by energising the coils and
measuring the resulting movement. This is why on power up, the stage (motor)
may make a slight buzzing noise and move slightly. Phase initialisation can only
take place if the motor can move unobstructed during this time. Before
powering up the KBD101 controller at item (2), ensure that the stage movement
is unobstructed.