HA0278T Rev H Dec 2016
Chapter 2
APTUser Utility
The APTUser application allows the user to interact with a number of APT hardware
control units connected to the ho st PC. This program displays multiple graphical
instrument panels to allow multiple APT units to be controlled from the same screen.
All basic operating parameters can be altered and, similarly, all operations (such as
motor moves) can be initiated. Settings and parameter changes can be saved and
loaded to allow multiple operating configurations to be created and easily applied.
For many users, the APTUser application provides all of the functionality necessary
to operate the APT hardware without the need to deve lop any further custom
software. For those who do need to further customize and automate usage of the
controller (e.g. to i mplement a positioning algorithm), the APTUser application
illustrates how the various methods and properties of the APT ActiveX server can be
exposed by a client application.
Use of the APT User utility is covered in the PC tutorial (Chapter ) and in the APTUser
online help file, accessed via the F1 key when using the APTUser utility.