ModuLam 130 Operators Manual
page 2
Uniformity of
Each Think & Tinker lamination engine is equipped with 6 Ceracon
internally heated rollers. The front two rollers are act as pre-heaters,
raising the temperature of the laminating film to a temperature just
below the melting point of the adhesive. They also serve to squeeze
out any trapped air. The second pair of rollers is heated to the adhesion
fusion temperature, laminating the film to the substrate uniformly,
without voids or air pocket. The final pair of rollers are unheated and
serve to tension the laminated material as it is cooling to insure a flat,
stress free end product.
The custom microprocessor based lamination controller offers precise
digital control of both the lamination temperature and the motor speed.
Four pre-programmed combinations of speed and temperature reduce
the task of setting up the laminator to pressing a button and waiting for
the rollers to come up to operating temperature.
The laminator shell is constructed of heat resistant, non-flammable
plastic, protecting the user from the hot lamination elements and any
danger of electric shock.
Power saving
The digital lamination controller insures that only the right amount of
heat is delivered to the lamination rollers, saving considerable energy
over other pouch style laminators that use switch type thermostats. The
use of a dc pulsed drive motor minimizes motor heating, resulting in
further energy savings.
control panel
All functions are controlled by depressing the desired Soft-touch
button. Signal lights and an audible alarm provide immediate feedback
that the operating parameters have been changed. An over temperature
alarm alerts the operator that the lamination temperature for the target
film has been exceeded and the user should wait until the unit cools