Installation /Owner’s Manual 23
- If the depth of the enclosure is more than 660mm [27], install a wood or an aluminum or galvanized steel sheet solid box baffle
[21] between the lower intake vent and the upper exhaust vent (See Art02263).
- Make sure that the solid box baffle is the full width of the inside of the enclosure.
- Make sure that the bottom of the solid box baffle is 455mm to 470mm above the bottom of the enclosure [17] (205mm to
220mm above the top of the lower intake vent opening REF) [18] .
- Make sure that the back of the solid box baffle is perpendicular to the bottom of the enclosure.
- Make sure that the horizontal top of the solid box baffle is even with the bottom edge of the upper exhaust vent [24].
- Make sure that the vertical top edge of the baffle is between 6mm [213] below the condenser and 38mm above the
bottom of the condenser.
- Make sure that there is 6mm or less clearance [15] between the rear of the condenser and the baffle.
NOTE: The doors are made to accept decorative panels. The decorative
panels must be 5mm or less in thickness. Install the decorative door panels in
the refrigerator doors before installing the refrigerator in the vehicle.
- Make an upper door panel that is 548mm wide x 369mm high.
- Make a lower door panel that is 548mm wide x 803mm high.
- Pull the panel retainer [37] off each door (See Art00965).
- Push the decorative door panel [38] into the slots of the door [39].
- Push each panel retainer into the slot on the edge of the door.
Install Decorative Door Panels
Put the refrigerator in position (See Art02259, Art02560, and Art02272):
Make sure the combustion seal [29] is not broken, is completely around the refrigerator mounting flanges,
and is between the mounting flanges and the wall of the enclosure If the seal is not complete, exhaust fumes can be
present in the living area of the vehicle. The breathing of exhaust fumes can cause dizziness, nausea, or in extreme
cases, death.
- Push the refrigerator completely into the enclosure.
- Put screws [41] through the upper mounting flange on the front of the refrigerator and into the enclosure wall.
- Put screws [41] through the lower mounting flange [211] on the front of the refrigerator and into the enclosure floor.
Install the Refrigerator