LCF02 Touch 3AO2DO
Fancoil controller
Thermokon Sensortechnik GmbH, Platanenweg 1, 35756 Mittenaar, Deutschland · tel: 02778/6960-0 · fax: -400 ·
LCF02-Touch_3AO2DO_Datasheet_en.docx © 2020
Subject to technical alteration
Issue date: 22.01.2020 • A104
The fancoil room controller has been designed for individual control of temperature in commercial, industrial and residential buildings. It is tailored
for two-pipe fan coils with two-wire electric valves and has 3 analogue outputs 0..10 V (EC fan, heating valve and cooling valve). A 6-way valve
can also be used. In addition, an electrical heating coil can also be connected With its flush mounted modern design the device combines digital
technology with a large LCD display and additional buttons, which enables the single room controller to be used intuitively.
The installation and assembly of electrical equipment should only be performed by authorized personnel.
The product should only be used for the intended application. Unauthorised modifications are prohibited! The product must not be
used in relation with any equipment that in case of a failure may threaten, directly or indirectly, human health or life or result in
danger to human beings, animals or assets. Ensure all power is disconnected before installing. Do not connect to live/operating
CAUTION! Risk of electric shock due to live components within the enclosure, especially devices with mains voltage
supply (usually between 90..265 V).
Please comply with
Local laws, health & safety regulations, technical standards and regulations
Condition of the device at the time of installation, to ensure safe installation
This data sheet and installation manual
As a component of a large-scale fixed installation, Thermokon products are intended to be used permanently as part of a building
or a structure at a pre-defined and dedicated location, hence the Waste Electrical and Electronic Act (WEEE) is not applicable.
However, most of the products may contain valuable materials that should be recycled and not disposed of as domestic waste.
Please note the relevant regulations for local disposal.