Program description
FB-KE: 07
Rev 1
Seite 10 von 14
Erstellt am 12.01.2010
Comm. object
KNX (EIB) type
Channel… : Heating on/off
1.001 (EIS 1)
1 bit
Channel… : Cooling on/off
1.001 (EIS 1)
1 bit
Channel … : Heating value
5.001 (EIS 6)
1 byte
Channel … : Cooling value
5.001 (EIS 6)
1 byte
Set value: Basic set value. The current set value for the control is the sum of this value and the value of the "Set
value adjustment" communication object.
Dead zone without presence: When presence is switched off, the control values of 0 % are output. The set value of
the heating controller is then calculated from the current set value minus the dead zone. The set value of the
cooling controller is calculated from the current set value plus the tolerance. With presence, there is a dead zone
of +-1K.
Attention: If the presence input object is not occupied, the dead zone when there is no presence is valid.
Maximum step of control value: The step size of the control value from the controller cannot exceed this value.
Switch-off delay after detection of presence: After this time elapses, the presence is switched off if presence was
not switched on again during this time via the communication object.
Delay before window is handled as open: When an ON telegram is received via the "Window" communication
object, the valves switch off after this delay and the control pauses. When an OFF telegram is received, the control
is activated or the delay is switched off.
Wait for switch-off telegram to start switch-off delay: When set to "No", the switch-off delay is started with every
ON telegram via the "Presence" communication object. When set to "Yes", the switch-off delay is started with the
first OFF telegram via "Presence" if the control is active.
Activate antifreeze when going beyond a temperature: See description of the next parameter.
Control value while antifreeze: When the received temperature is below this value, the control value defined for
frost protection is sent and the control is deactivated.
Mode of heating/cooling: This parameter is used to specify the operating mode in which the device is to be run.
Only those communication objects and parameters that are needed for the mode are displayed.
Light controller, continuous
This controller type is provided for constant light control with a dimmer via value telegrams (type KNX: 5.001, EIB:
EIS 6). For each current value received by the sensor, a new control value is calculated and sent if necessary.
The inputs of the channel can be connected to any KNX device with suitable communication objects. However, it has
been optimised for operation with the Thermokon presence detector SR-MDS. Output objects of a sensor channel
and the matching input objects of a control channel can be connected in the same device via group addresses.
If the SR-MDS presence detector is provided with a sufficient amount of energy during the day, it sends current
values every ~1.5 min when the brightness changes by more than 10 lux and motion is detected at the same time. It
sends current values every ~16.5 min when the brightness changes by less than 10 lux or there is no motion. If the
presence state is off and motion is detected, the detector immediately sends an ON telegram. After motion detection
and an internal switch-off delay of ~1.5 min., it sends an OFF telegram.
The installation location of the detector is decisive for the effectiveness of the control. The following points should be
adhered to:
If the detector is powered solely by ambient light, it must be supplied with sufficient energy for it to function
properly. The installation location should not be too dark.
The detector must be able to detect motion. For this, the users must be located within the detection range of
the detector. The detection range may need to be extended by the use of additional detectors.
The detector must be able to detect daylight and artificial lighting to a sufficient degree.
Differences in lighting conditions on bright and overcast days and at different times of the day must be taken
into account. A permanent set value that is effective under all conditions should be selected on an overcast
day. If the set value is too high, the lighting will switch on too early on overcast days; if the value is too low, the
brightness level without daylight may be perceived as being too low.
Ensure that the distance to the controlled artificial lighting is sufficient as otherwise the control will begin to