The master sets parameters in the bath by sending one of the Set Functions as shown in Table 1. The master
does not send a qualifier byte in the data field. The master should be pre-programmed to send the correct
precision and units (it could also read the parameter of interest first to decode the correct precision and units
As an RS-485 example, if the master wants to set the setpoint to 30°C, it would send :
The bath responds:
command byte
2 bytes to follow
The checksum is the bitwise inversion of
22 (00+03+F0+02+01+2C)
The temperature of 30.0°C is 300 decimal = 012C hex.
CC 00 03 F0 02 01 2C DD
CC 00 03 F0 03 11 01 2C CB
command byte
3 bytes to follow
The checksum is the bitwise inversion
of 34(00+03+F0+03+11+01+2C)
The qualifier byte of 11 indicates a precision of 1
decimal point and units of °C. The temperature of
30.0°C is 300 decimal = 012C hex.
Appendix B
B - 3