8600 Series _______________________________________________________________________________Factory Options
6 - 1
Section 6 - Factory Installed Options
6.1 BUS - Back Up System (195875, 195877)
Before installation of BUS components, make sure the power
to the freezer is disconnected, the battery switch is turned off
and the freezer has warmed to ambient temperature.
The built-in BUS (back up system) will keep the freezer
chamber temperature below the critical level in the event of a
power or equipment failure. If power to the freezer fails, or tem-
perature increases to the back up alarm set point, the BUS
injects liquefied gas into the chamber to keep the chamber tem-
perature within the specified range.
The BUS operates on an internal 12-volt, rechargeable bat-
tery which is kept charged during normal operation by the inte-
gral battery charger.
a. Installing the vent stack, solenoid and injection
1. Install the injection assembly through the 1/2” pre-
punched hole, directly behind the 2” vent stack hole in
the center of the chamber ceiling. Using a long blade
screwdriver or similar instrument, punch a guide hole up
through the foam insulation to the top exterior ceiling
CAUTION! Do not use the injection assembly to bore the hole.
The injection assembly could become clogged with insulation
and not function correctly.
Cover the open end of injection assembly with tape to
keep insulation from entering the nipple.
2. Slide 3/8” flatwasher over open end of nipple.
3. Insert the covered end of the injection assembly through
the exterior hole.
4. Remove the tape covering from the end of the nipple and
install the 1/8” NPT brass tee on the open end of the nip-
ple. Place permagum sealant between the brass tee and
the interior top.
5. Use the 1-3/8” x 20” copper tubing. Remove the plastic
cap from the beveled end (Caution - it is sharp!) and
place the cap on the non-beveled end. Position the
beveled end of the tubing against the foam opening and
use a back and forth twisting motion to cut a hole through
the insulation to the top external opening.
Figure 6-1
Figure 6-2