Thermo Scientific Sorvall ST 8FR Centrifuge
Hazardous Substances
Especially when working with corrosive samples (salt solutions, acids, bases), the accessory
parts and vessel have to be cleaned thoroughly.
Do not centrifuge explosive or flammable materials or substances.
The centrifuge is not inert or protected against explosion. Never use the centrifuge in an
explosion-prone environment.
Do not centrifuge toxic or radioactive materials or any pathogenic micro-organisms without
suitable safety precautions.
If any hazardous materials are centrifugated, mind the “Laboratory Biosafety Manual” of the World
Health Organization (WHO) and any local regulations. When centrifuging microbiological samples
from the Risk Group II (according to the “Laboratory Biosafety Manual” of the World Health
Organization (WHO)), aerosol-tight biological seals have to be used. Look on the Internet page of
the World Health Organization (
) for the “Laboratory Biosafety Manual”. For materials
in a higher risk group, extra safety measures have to be taken.
If toxins or pathogenic substances have contaminated the centrifuge or its parts, appropriate
disinfection measures have to be taken (
Extreme care should be taken with highly corrosive substances which can cause damage
and impair the mechanical stability of the rotor. These should only be centrifuged in fully
sealed tubes.
In case of rotor failure the centrifuge can be damaged. The coolant can escape. Ventilate the
room well and leave it. Inform customer service.
If a hazardous situation occurs, turn off the power supply to the centrifuge and leave
the area immediately�