Preventative maintenance procedures
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Pico 8 Digital Dispense Operating Manual
If the alignment is correct, you can simply exit the procedure by
clicking the Close button.
If the dispense alignment is not correct, it may be helpful to make a
sketch showing where the drop landed relative to the well outline. This
will help you to remember which direction the drop landed relative to
the center of the well.
Measure the approximate offset of the fluid from the center of the well
using a metric ruler. Measure within around a quarter millimeter,
noting the offsets.
If the fluid in any one corner is off by more than 1.0 mm in a
different direction than the other corners, the stage assembly is not
square and you need to contact the Service Help Desk. The contact
information can be found in the Multidrop Pico dispenser
Service and
Support document.
In the example above, the alignment is off by about 1 mm horizontally
and 0.5 mm vertically. The drop position must be moved to the left
and down. Typing a negative number in the entry box moves the drop
in the opposite direction to the arrow – that is, either left or up.
Clicking Adjust and Dispense will adjust the alignment (as specified)
and then dispense to the four corners again. Remember to clean the
plate cover or seal before re-dispensing. The usual procedure is to adjust
and re-dispense to verify the adjustment until alignment is good.
A1 realignment