Incubated and Refrigerated Shakers 4-3
Thermo Scientific
Section 4
Unpacking and Installation
Each flask clamp contains a support spring located at the narrow top of
the clamp.
Depending on the size of the clamp, the clamp base may contain one or
several screws necessary to secure the clamp to the platform. All screws
provided with the clamp must be properly attached to the platform.
1. Carefully place the desired vessel in the clamp by first pulling the
clamp spring far enough apart to enable the flask base to be positioned
inside the clamp. Gently slide the flask into its proper position
securing it to the wider bottom of the clamp. The spring will hold the
neck of the flask securely in place and provide security during shaking.
2. Make sure all vessels are securely clamped before turning on unit.
Wherever possible, vessels should contain a stopper to prevent hazardous
substances being thrown out during the mixing action.
Do not operate the shaker at speeds that will cause the contents
of vessels to be thrown out.
1. Position the test tube rack on the combination platform so that the
cutouts on the rack’s outside bottom are aligned with corresponding
mounting holes on the platform. There are two cutouts on each side of
the rack.
2. Secure the rack to the platform with mounting screws provided with
the rack.
Flask Clamp
Test Tube Rack