The instrument automatically restarts when the software update is complete.
Instrument run times
Approximate run times for the Ion GeneStudio
S5 Food Protection Instrument for a
given chip type, read length, and number of reads are shown in the following table.
Run times indicate the typical time from run start to delivery of a BAM file
(1 run/initialization).
For the Food Authenticity application, a FASTQ file is created instead of a BAM file.
The instrument run time is shorter for this application.
Chip type
Number of reads
Read length/output
Instrument run time
Ion GeneStudio
S5 Food Protection
Ion 510
2–3 M
200 bases
0.3–0.5 Gb
4.5 hours
400 bases
0.6–1 Gb
10.5 hours
Ion 520
4–6 M
200 bases
0.6–1 Gb
7.5 hours
400 bases
1.2–2 Gb
12 hours
3–4 M
600 bases
0.5–1.5 Gb
12 hours
Ion 530
15–20 M
200 bases
3–4 Gb
10.5 hours
400 bases
6–8 Gb
21.5 hours
9–12 M
600 bases
1.5–4.5 Gb
21 hours
Ion 540
60–80 M
200 bases
10–15 Gb
19 hours
Ion 550
100–130 M
200 bases
20–25 Gb
Chapter 3
Instrument operation
Instrument run times
Ion GeneStudio
S5 Food Protection Instrument User Guide