Section 6 - General Cautions and Cleaning
6.1 Caution Notes
• Following initial installation, the unit must be thoroughly
tested and certified.
• All activities to be performed within the cabinet should be
approved by a biological safety officer or other qualified
• Since the HEPA filters remove particulates only (not gas),
explosive/flammable substances should never be used in
the cabinet, unless approved and monitored by a biological
safety officer or other qualified individual.
• If the cabinet is to be used for biological or toxicological
applications, a biological safety officer or other qualified
individual must monitor it.
• If the unit needs to be serviced, it must be decontaminated
to protect service personnel. After servicing, the cabinet
must be recertified by a qualified certifying agency.
• None of the perforations in the work area may be covered
or blocked, as airflow will be disrupted and contamination
may occur.
• Paper catches should always be kept free of debris.
6.2 Cleaning
For general cleaning of dirt, dust and fingermarks, use a
general household (non-abrasive) cleaner with a soft cloth or
sponge and warm water. Cleaning should always be followed
by rinsing with clean water and wiping the surface completely
Before each use, the work surface, interior walls and interi-
or surface of the window should be wiped with an appropriate
At the end of the work day, decontaminate the work sur-
face, cabinet sides and back, and interior of the glass.
Alcohol, even a 70% solution, is volatile and
flammable Use it only in a well ventilated area
that is free from open flame. If any component is
cleaned with alcohol, do not expose the compo-
nent to open flame or other possible hazard.
Allow the alcohol to fully dry before turning
power on.
Do not use strong alkaline or caustic agents.
Stainless steel is corrosion-resistant, not corro-
sion-proof. Do not use solutions of sodium
hypochlorite (bleach) as they may also cause pit-
ting and rusting.
Section 7 - Cabinet Start-Up
7.1 General Recommendations
• Keep movement in the room to a minimum when the cabi-
net is in use.
• Keep all laboratory doors closed to prevent drafts that may
disturb critical airflow.
• Pre-plan cabinet use and place everything needed in the
cabinet so that nothing passes through the air barrier (in or
out) during the procedure.
• Practice good aseptic technique to ensure safe use of the
• If a spill occurs, clean it up immediately. Decontaminate
the work area and all affected equipment.
• Do not cover or block the exhaust grille.
• Do not cover or block any perforations (air holes) in the
work area.
7.2 Use of Auxiliary Equipment in the Cabinet
Use auxiliary equipment in the cabinet only if proper pre-
cautions are taken. Appliances used in the work area will cause
turbulence, disturb the airflow and need to be carefully man-
aged. The equipment should be placed at the rear of the work-
space where it will have minimal effect.
A blender may be used in the cabinet. But because of the
amount of aerosol it produces and the turbulence it causes, it is
recommended that it be removed from the cabinet as soon as
7.3 Cabinet Checklist
1. Verify that the Drain valve is closed (the handle turned
2. Verify that all service valves are closed.
3. Verify that the cardboard exhaust filter protector has
been removed.
7.4 Start-Up Procedure
1. Turn the power switch on.
2. Turn the light on.
3. Check the intake and exhaust grilles to ensure they are
not blocked.
4. Turn the blower on.
5. Place everything needed into the cabinet.
6. Place the viewing window at 10 inches.
Model 1280 Series ______________________________________________General Cautions and Cleaning / Cabinet Start-Up
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