1) Confirm that electrical power to the boiler is off. The fuel tank must be filled with No.
2 heating oil. Low Sulfur fuel is preferred.
2) Check electrode settings, nozzle size and air setting. Electrode settings are shown in
the burner manual provided along with this manual. Burner settings are listed on the
Service Man’s Label attached to the boiler and on the Specifications provided along
with this manual.
3) Set thermostats substantially above room temperature.
4) Open all shut-off valves in the fuel supply line to the burner.
5) Install pressure gauge in the port provided on the fuel pump. Attach a length of 1/4”
O.D. clear plastic tubing to the end of the bleed plug.
6) Turn on power to the boiler. If burner does not start immediately reset manual overload
switches and control. See control manual for reset instructions.
7) On one pipe systems bleed the fuel pump as soon as burner motor starts. To bleed the
pump, loosen plug while holding an empty container under the tubing installed in step 6
to catch all of the expelled fuel. Bleed for at least 15 seconds after the fuel stream is free
of all air. If air is still evident in the bleed line you must check the oil lines, all fittings, fil-
ters and any other connections for tightness. Kinks in the fuel lines will create undue high
vacuum therefore they must be eliminated. When you are sure all air has been eliminated
then close the bleed valve. Ignition should be instantaneous following the closing of this
valve. If it is not, proceed to the trouble shooting guide to determine why the fuel did not
8) Be sure the fuel pump discharge pressure is adjusted to the pressure listed on the
Installer/ Service Man Label. If it is not, refer to the burner manufacturer’s instruction
sheet for pressure adjustment procedure.
TION TEST EQUIPMENT. Combustion test equipment required for proper burner adjust-
a) CO
b) Draft Gauge
c) Oil Pressure Gauge 0-200 PSI
d) Stack Thermometer
e) Smoke Test Gun
f) Vacuum Gauge 0-30 in. of Hg
Read the burner manufacturer’s instructions supplied with this manual to set com-
bustion. The burner instructions contain special instructions that may apply to the model
supplied with your boiler including how special features may affect the set-up procedure.