Installation: Plumbing
Pipe the heater as shown in Fig. 1 to the inlet (left) and outlet (right) openings on the side. Connect the
heater in line between the filter discharge and pool. The water line coming from the filter should be
connected to the heater inlet, and the discharge line to the pool should be connected to the outlet. The
pool will not heat properly unless it is plumbed correctly. If plastic pipe is used, it should be suitable for at
least 49 °C (120°F). A plumbing bypass around the pool heater is not necessary unless flow rate though
the heater exceeds the flow rates stated in Fig.2. Lack of sufficient flow will cause the heater to overheat
and trip out. It may be necessary, in larger Olympic-sized or public pools, to use two or more heaters to
obtain sufficient kW capacity. If so, the heaters must be installed in parallel, allowing each heater to take
equal flow.
Fig. 1