Example - Monday: On: 8:00; Off: 16:00
System will turn on at 8:00 AM on Monday, and off at 16:00 on Monday. System will
turn on for the rest of the week.
If you choose an on time, but do not assign an off time, the system will turn on and
remain on until a scheduled off time is reached, or if the unit is shutdown manually.
Example - Monday: On: 8:00
System will turn on at 8:00 AM on Monday, and will not shut down unless powered
down manually.
You may also choose two on times or two off times on a particular day, and the
system will act accordingly.
Example - Monday: Off: 8:00; Off: 16:00
System will turn off at 8:00 AM on Monday. System will turn off at 16:00 PM on
Monday, if it was on. If the system was already off at 16:00 PM on Monday, system
will stay off.
Wake-Up On LAN (WOL)
The 1U4600 has the ability to be awoken from sleep mode via WAN port.