The most common problem for novice flyer is over control of the sticks. Do not push or pull the aileron or elevator stick all
the way. Gradually move the stick and when you see the plane starts to show response to your stick input, release the stick
to its neutral position, the plane will continue to move in that direction for a while. If you need more movement, move the stick
again. Push the stick all the way too long will cause the plane to spiral and spin out of control.
Turn the plane against the wind, line up with the runway and throttle back. The plane will be losing air speed and descending
gradually. Use the elevator to keep the plane in a level manner. If you allow the plane to nose up, the plane will lose air speed
too soon and will lose lift ( stall ) and falls to the ground. If you want the plane to touch down further down the runway, throttle
up a bit to increase the air speed of the plane. Never pull up elevator to pull up the nose of the plane thinking that will make it
touch down further down the runway, it will stall the plane at that spot and crash.
If at anytime during flying you think you are losing control of the plane, or you don't know what to do next, throttle back, and let
go of your fingers on the control stick. If the plane is flying high enough, it will recover to a level manner and descend, give you
more time to re-gain control from the panicking situation. If the plane is flying too low, throttling back will reduce the damage
done to the plane by reducing the speed of the plane, and could likely save you a broken propeller. Again, throttle back and
hands off could be your best action, if you don't know what to do. Good luck!
Keep the plane in a level manner.