Before you begin this or any other exercise program consult with your physician.
March in place for 2-3 minutes to get the blood circulating through your body...the warm up
gets you ready for exercise and will increase the positive results you will get from the
AB KING PRO™ Workout!
Side Bends:
Stand with feet shoulder width apart, with a slight bend in your knees. With chest
up and your eyes looking forward, raise your left arm overhead and place your right arm on
your hip and lean towards your right to stretch the left side of the torso. Hold that stretch for
20-30 seconds and repeat this stretch to the other side. Raise your right arm and stretch your
right side. For 20-30 seconds. Do not bounce; swing or jerk into the movement, it should be
slow and controlled.
Torso Twists:
Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. With chest up and
your eyes looking forward, raise your arms straight out to your sides, with a slight bend at the
elbow. Slowly pivot, or twist your midsection as far to the right and then come back around as
far to the left as you can. Do 10 rotations from left to right. Do not bounce; swing or jerk into
the movement, it should be slow and controlled.
Now lets begin to strengthen, tone and trim your midsection! Remember to let yourself
breathe naturally while going through the exercises...don't hold your breath. Keep your head
resting on the pad throughout the entire move and use your abdominal muscles to do the
movement instead of using your arms. Rest your feet on the foot support or on the floor where
it feels most comfortable to you. The benefit of using the AB KING PRO™ is that you'll be
working your muscles both on the way up and on the way down. You'll be using your own
bodyweight as the resistance so you wont have to bother with annoying resistance band
attachments or extra weights to add. We make it so easy to get that midsection in shape, plus
the design of the AB KING PRO™ won't allow you to cheat while doing the movement so
every workout counts! It's so simple and effective just about anyone can do it! Check your
settings before you begin.
Please remember to consult with a professional trainer, licensed fitness authority or
physician before starting this or any other exercise machine or program
Use the AB KING PRO™ on a level surface only.
Make sure when your using your AB KING PRO™ to maintain a gentle grip on the
handles at all times that is comfortable for your height.
For better results, allow your midsection (abdominal muscles) to do the work. Try not to
use you're arms too much or you wont get the full benefit of the exercise. On the
AB KING PRO™ you get two way toning... it's effective both on the way up and on the
way down!
While using your AB KING PRO™ keep your head on the back pad while performing
the exercises to maintain proper form. Lifting your neck off the pad you could cause
unnecessary strain to your neck; as well it makes the exercise less effective. Make sure
to keep your abs tight and contract the muscle thru the full range of motion.
A B K I N G P R O ™ O W N E R ' S M A N U A L
A B K I N G P R O ™ O W N E R ' S M A N U A L