Storm on the Horizon
Having quickly tired of watching the rolling waves and unchanging
horizon, Pepper turned her gaze to the bridge. Now that she
understood why the ship wasn’t going to sink, she wondered how
it was going to be able to find its way to the Bermuda Triangle. It
obviously couldn’t read a map, and the open ocean all looked the
same. Maybe she should pay the captain a visit on the bridge, and
take a closer look at all those buttons and gadgets …
Without hesitation, Pepper climbed the steps to the bridge deck,
knocked briefly on the door to the control room and opened it. A tall
woman with an eye patch and a parrot on her shoulder turned to
look at Pepper, who, at this unexpected sight, completely forgot
what she had wanted to ask. After a long silence, Pepper finally
announced: “Hello, I’m Pepper Mint.”
She didn’t get to hear the name of the captain, as some buttons
suddenly began to flash red and a loud beeping noise attracted the
captain’s attention. The woman shooed Pepper out with a wave, as
her parrot cawed “Pepperrrrr Mint” over and over. When Pepper
looked up, she saw that the horizon had changed, and that the ship
had begun to rock up and down more intensely. The
heading straight toward a bank of storm clouds!