Hydraulic Tubes: Move waTer back and forTH beTween
THe Hydraulic cylinders To conTrol THe arM and claw
Tank and Tray:
Hold THe candy
or prizes
flexible sHafT:
TransMiTs THe
MoTion of THe
backward crank
To THe worM
worM screw: Moves
THe arM backward
and forward
arM: uses a
(called a
linkage) and
springs To
Move THe claw
up and down
lefT-rigHT crank:
Moves THe arM lefT
and rigHT
crank: Moves arM
forward and backward
sucTion cups:
secure THe
MacHine To THe
claw lever:
opens and
closes THe
claw: grabs
THe prizes
arM lever:
lowers and
raises THe claw
prize door:
pops open
wHen THe
prize Trigger
is HiT
prize cHuTe:
drop THe
prizes Here To
geT THeM ouT
of THe MacHine
belT: pulls
THe arM lefT
or rigHT
bobbins: spool
THe belT
gears: TransMiT THe
MoTion of THe lefT-rigHT
crank To THe belT
You have probably seen a
claw machine
at a movie theater, video arcade,
shopping mall, bowling alley, or other entertainment venue in your area. They go
by many names including claw cranes, toy cranes, and skill cranes. They usually
consist of a large, clear box filled with prizes like toys and stuffed animals. Inside
the box is a claw that moves in
three dimensions:
forward and backward, left
and right, and up and down. The player operates the claw with either push
buttons or a joystick controller on the outside of the machine. The player pays a
fee to try their luck at moving the claw to the correct position and grabbing a
prize. Then the claw returns to its starting position and drops the prize into a
chute where the player can get it.
With this kit, you can build a
claw machine. Your machine
requires no electricity or electronics — just simple machines and the power of
your hand. Here is an overview of the different parts of the Candy Claw Machine:
Candy Claw Machine
T e Amazing