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You might find that some prizes
you want to use in the claw
machine are too big and get stuck
when they should be ejected
from the prize chute. In this case,
you can easily remove the ejector
tray from the prize door and
install it in a fixed position at the
bottom of the prize chute. In this
setup, the prize door simply pops
open and you can reach in to get
your prize.
1st Edition ©2021 Thames & Kosmos, LLC, Providence, RI, USA
Thames & Kosmos® is a registered trademark of Thames & Kosmos, LLC.
This work, including all its parts, is copyright protected. Any use outside the specific limits of the copyright law is
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translations, microfilming, and storage and processing in electronic systems and networks. We do not guarantee that all
material in this work is free from other copyright or other protection.
Invented by David Yakos, Streamline Design LLC
Text and editing: Ted McGuire
Package design template: Atelier Bea Klenk, Klenk/Riedinger
Package design: Dan Freitas
Photos: p. 15 (digger) Medien Kommunikation, Unna; p. 15 (truck) Dreamsquare © shutterstock.com; p. 16 (glass suction
cup robotic arm) Oliver Sved, ©fotolia.com; p. 16 (robotic arm on assembly line) Sasint ©Adobe Stock; p. 16 (robotic arm
over chassis) wellphoto ©Adobe Stock; All others, Thames & Kosmos.
The publisher has made every effort to locate the holders of image rights for all of the photos used. If in any individual
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Distributed in North America by Thames & Kosmos, LLC. Providence, RI 02903
Phone: 800-587-2872; Web: www.thamesandkosmos.com
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
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