Add a Luna SA HSM to an HA Cluster
DSM Installation and Configuration Guide
Copyright 2009 - 2020 Thales Group. All rights reserved.
Add a Luna SA HSM to an HA Cluster
When you add a Luna SA HSM to your DSM cluster, you must follow the proper order of operations to be successful:
"Configuring an HA Cluster with a Luna SA HSM" below
"Backup your Configuration" on page 105
"Break Apart the Cluster" on page 105
"Add a Luna to the Initial Node of the HA Cluster" on page 105
"Add DSM Nodes to a Luna-enabled HA Cluster" on page 107
"Join a (missing or bad snippet) Node to an HA Cluster" on page 108
Add one node at a time.
add multiple nodes simultaneously. This applies to the initial node and all
subsequent nodes.
Configuring an HA Cluster with a Luna SA HSM
You must create partitions on the Luna. You can have each cluster register to a unique partition, or you can have
multiple DSM HA clusters register to the same partition.
Thales does not recommend having multiple HA clusters registered to the same partition because it
decreases fault tolerance.
In the PED-authenticated Luna, you can also have multiple clusters using different partitions on the same Luna, or you
can use multiple Lunas, for increased fault tolerance. When you add the Luna to the DSM, you will have to enter the
partition number to which the DSM will register. For the PED-authenticated Luna , you must enter the crypto officer
The crypto officer password provides access to the Luna partition. All subsequent nodes that register with
that partition will need that password.
Configure for Redundancy and Load Balancing
For redundancy and load balancing, you can add multiple Lunas to a DSM cluster, and the DSM will configure the
Lunas as an HA group. Then, you can add DSMs to partitions on different Lunas. If one Luna fails, the other Luna, and
DSMs added to it, continue to run, thereby reducing downtime and failures.
The following illustration shows the recommended configuration for a DSM cluster with a Luna HA group: