4. If that doesn’t work and you still
have forward motion and the terrain
permits, do a U-turn, go back down,
and try climbing again,
5. If you have lost all forward motion,
follow the K-turn procedure.
Never Operate Up Or
Down Hills Steeper Than
Riding Downhill
Success in riding downhill depends on
how well you know your brakes—take it
easy on them, or you could flip over.
1. Shift your body weight as far back
on the seat as possible.
2. Keep it in a low range; stay out of
3. Lightly apply the brake and ease up
on the throttle.
Sidehilling is considered an advanced
skill; it’s really tricky and unpredictable.
So, whether your skills are advanced or
not, try to avoid this kind of riding. If
you’re in a situation where you abso-
lutely have to sidehill, follow this
1. Keep your speed low and consistent.
2. Shift all your body weight to the
uphill side of the seat; also, support
your weight on the uphill footrest.
3. Steer like you’re driving into the
4. If the ATV feels like it’s tipping,
turn the handlebar downhill. If that’s
not possible because of the terrain or
other conditions or if it just doesn’t
work, stop and get off. Dismount the
ATV on the uphill side.
Swerving is usually an emergency reac-
tion to avoid an obstacle.